Friday, 11 April 2014

Women's Fashion: Business Suits

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A review of history will disclose how far women had traveled to reach its place in the working world. Despite that, women continue to pursue their advocacy of equality with men in the workplace. This cause is shared by all women transcending race, culture and country.

Women’s business suits are a testimony to the quest on progress. Indirectly, this shows the women’s efforts to claim their equal right to work side by side with the men of the world. In recognition for their effort, Hiras Fashion offers bespoke business suits for both men and women.

To retain their feminine qualities while maintaining a professional look, women’s business suits should be crease-free, comfortable and functional. Hiras Fashion addresses this need with thousands of imported fabrics showing thread count. This indicates how many threads are woven in the cloth per square inch.

Hiras Fashion allows women to select from a wide array of luxurious materials having a thread count from 100 to 160. This is to ensure that the material is soft and durable. It is also perfect for women as soft cloth allows good colour and shape when worn. A comfortable and chic business suit will enhance work productivity as well.

Furthermore, ensuring clothes durability would surely help in saving cost and time for the working women in the long run. Thus, advises are also given to clients on how to preserve their bespoke suits further. This is of great value to women of today as most of them are mothers too.

Let’s face it. Business suits are investments. It is, therefore, imperative that career women and men know how to take good care of them. Now, how do we ensure an equitable return of investment on business suits? Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind:
  • Hand-wash and hang to dry your business suits. Contrary to popular practice, business suits should only be dry cleaned twice a year. Frequent exposure to high temperature and chemicals, common to dry cleaning, will increase wear and tear of business suits. It may also expose clothing to a higher chance of being stained during the dry cleaning process.
  • Maintain at least three business suits. Daily usage of a suit would definitely deteriorate its quality. To allow time for laundry and monotony, have at least three assorted business suits in your wardrobe. You may also mix match your business suits by acquiring extra shirts and trousers. Keep a choice of accessories to match your business suits to add an extra glow in your old suits.
  • Use mild or bleach-free soaps in washing your business suits. Harsh cleaners can damage colour of clothing and, more so, when frequently done. It would be best that a little research be made on the proper cleaning requirement of the fabric. Using starch on clothes is also discouraged. To attain a wrinkle-free look, it would be best to steam iron business suits manually. Wooden hangers are also recommended in hanging business suits.


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